Cats Galore, are you sure ?

Why not spare a few minutes of your time meeting the characters of Tabby Towers.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Snooks: Born late 2009. Mother Smudge. Father,likely the prolific Leonard. This energetic and extremely friendly young cat is by turns the most lovable or most frustrating teenager of all.With his long jet black(with white tip) tail held high he is always on the nearest
humans case! Leaping on and off your lap ,climbing on you shoulders or inspecting your head it's all fun for snooks! And don't even think about cleaning out a cat tray while he's around as he insists on
playing sand castles before, during and after the operation! When he finally crashes it is likely to be in a sleeping melee of cats with other pals such as Bhuji and Smudges' 2010 vintage kittens.
By Rod.